The first thing you need to do is to define what kind of field in which you wish to work. Do you want sales jobs that require you to be bilingual? Are you looking for full time work or for part time jobs? You will also want to take into consideration all of your other skills such as a degree or specialty knowledge of medical terms, even you do not have any degree or formal training in that area. There are many openings in a typical job search for Spanish speakers within the customer service, social services, and management sales that you could look into. These are the fields that seem to always have some openings available.
Make sure that you are taking the time to identify the potential employers out there. One way to do this is to look for the companies that have bilingual owners and managers. Multinational companies that have a good deal of business in Latin America, Mexico, or Spain are another way to spot companies that you could potentially work for. This will help increase the number of companies that you have a good shot at being hired through.
Also, make sure that you are conducting a job search for bilingual job banks as these sites are dedicated to listing all kinds of positions for bilingual and multilingual people. The areas for Spanish speaking employment often have the most so you should have a lot of luck there. Within these databases are part time jobs and full time jobs from all over the country so if relocating is something that you would not mind for a quality job, then it is worth looking into.
Be sure to look into various nonprofits as well as these organizations as they are often looking to fill positions for Spanish newspapers and Spanish magazines that are distributed to areas that are densely populated with Spanish speaking individuals. All you have to do is look up and find a listing of such nonprofit organizations and begin calling them up, asking if they are looking for any help from a bilingual person.
You will also want to make sure that you are networking as much as possible with other Spanish speakers who are bilingual. Get out there and meet your local Spanish translators, teachers, and other professionals in the area. If there is a Hispanic store near you, do not be afraid to shop a little and strike up some conversations while in there. A lot of networking really does come in handy when you are in the middle of a job search. Who knows, you just might end up with a sales job at the Hispanic grocery store while you look for more profitable jobs or maybe you could promote up through the chain.
As you can see, while there may be a lot of part time jobs and full time jobs for bilingual people, it is important to make sure that you are specifically looking for worked geared towards your preferences in order to ensure that you are going to find the exact kind of work that you are looking for.
Since bilingual speakers are typically paid more for their work, you should have no problem finding employment that can provide the type of life and financial security that you need and want. The sooner you get started with your job search, the sooner you will be employed. Even if all you find for right now is something temporary, you can continue your search until you find the absolute perfect job.